«Programa Continúa» : financial help for those self employed, in Madrid, who have lost less than 75% but more than 30%

As some teachers have said they found these articles useful, I’ll continue to share news and updates which might help. Specially to those who don’t have legal advisors or who have problems with the Spanish language.

So, today’s article is about the «Programa Continúa«, from the Comunidad de Madrid. It is aimed at those «autónomos» (including business owners) who have continued to work during this crisis, and can’t apply for previous programs as they haven’t lost more than 75%.


  • You have to carry out your activity in the Comunidad de Madrid.
  • Have been negatively affected by the coronavirus.
  • Have suffered in march 2020 a reduction of at least 30% of your income in relation to February 2020 or to March 2019.
  • Remain a self employed worker at least 3 months after the help has been granted.
  • Have no debts with Hacienda or with the Social Security.
  • Have a labour risk plan, Plan de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales (which you should have by law).


The maximum quantity provided will be the sum of the self-employed quotas of March and April 2020.

Paperwork required:

  • Apply through this online form.
  • Identity card scanned in pdf form.
  • IAE certificate (apply here).
  • Certificate to show you have no debts with the Social Security (get if from here).
  • Vida Laboral (get it here).

How to apply:

It must be done online with a digital certificate through this web page.

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