After more than 12 years in the teaching business in Madrid we have noticed the following things:
- foreign teachers coming to Spain all face the same problems and have the same questions.
- There is little to no help available online. Just a few websites with bits of useful information on each.
- Everyone: teachers, academies, schools and clients, would benefit if things were easier or done faster.
So, we decided to try to help and create Teachersmadrid.es. A website for all teachers in Madrid for them to:
- try to gather all the information in one site for easy and quick reference by teachers and centers.
- Allow academies to post advertisements (with a quarterly fee).
A nice way for teachers to find them. - Provide a forum for teachers to ask questions, do networking and help each other.

Salary revision for the IX Convenio of Enseñanza No Reglada
A few days ago, 25th of October 2023, a new...
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Today I am going to write about a sensitive subject...
Leer másUpdate to the IX Convenio Colectivo Nacional de Enseñanza y Formación no Reglada
We’ve just received news that on the 5th of August...
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Fijo discontínuo contracts, the contracts most of you should be...
Leer másABOUT US
Teachers Madrid is a web site created by Smyth Academy.
The aim of Teachers Madrid is to provide professionals who come to Madrid and want to start teaching, with as much information, links and resources as possible. In a nutshell, to ease the difficult period between arriving and starting to work for a school or academy.
Madrid has certain peculiarities which can drive a foreigner crazy…but which will, with time, become part of why you love this city.
Please send us any suggestions you have to improve this site, you, teachers, know better than us what might be useful for other collegues.
Job Alerts

Teacher needed
With experience teaching the TOLES advanced level legal exam.
Please send CVs to estudios@smythacademy.com