How to obtain your Tarjeta Sanitaria (public health insurance card) in Madrid

[:en]This is the fourth important document you should obtain as soon as you arrive in Madrid: your Tarjeta Sanitaria. It is your ID card for the public health insurance in Spain.

I expect you know about Spain’s public health insurance, but it’s fantastic. Most of what you need is free IF you have your Tarjeta Sanitaria with you. They will ask for it on every visit to the doctor. So we recommend all teachers to get one as soon as possible. To do so, you will be asked, during the process, for your NIE, your Social Security number and your empadronamiento, so make sure you’ve done all three of them.

The essential document you will be asked for is the empadronamiento. Your Centro de Salud depends on where you are empadronado at. But I’d recommend to take with you NIE and SS number too.

  1. Get a copy of your Social Security number. Just go to your nearest office, as you did when you obtained the Social Security number, without an appointment. Wait a queue and ask for a copy of your number (if you don’t have one). They will ask for your NIE and address and give you a printout which you should keep for future use.
  2. Go to your nearest Centro de Salud. It is where you have to apply for your card. ¿Which is your Centro de Salud?  It should be the one nearest to your home, so you can go there and check with them if it is the one which corresponds to you.
    If you prefer to look for your Centro de Salud online, this web page will allow you to find it by just entering your address (the one where you are empadronado at).

At your Centro de Salud they will ask you several questions such as if you prefer to go in the morning or afternoon. Depending on your preferences they will assign you a primary heath doctor (médico de familia) and give you a provisional card until you get the final one.

It’s as easy as that, enjoy Spanish’s great health system….while it lasts.[:]

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