Financial aid for the self employed due to the coronavirus. Requirements and steps to take.

I know many teachers are self employed, and some don’t have their own legal advisors. We do, as a company, and receive daily updates.
So I wanted to share important news and procedured for those who are «autonomos» and cannot get this information easily.

The Government has finally explained the requirements and steps to take to request the financial aid due to the loss of income because of the coronoavirus.


  • You have to be an autonomo (have paid the monthly fee), or at the time the law was brought out (18/03/2020).
  • No debts with the Social Security (you can get up to date with payments before requesting the aid).
  • Either  have all activity suspended because your activity belongs to those included in the list of the RD 463/2020  ( modified by the RD 465/2020) . We might be included in point 9 of RD 463/2020 BUT it does say we should try and work online or remotely wherever possible.
  • Or if your income in March is reduced by at least 75% compared to that of the previous semester.
  • Those autonomos with employees can do an ERTE (article about that coming soon).


Quantity and duration of the aid.

  • The autonomo will receive 70% of his mean «base reguladora» (contribution base) of the last 12 months.*
  • If he hasn’t been working for 12 months, we will receive 70% of the minimun contribution base.
  • This aid will last one month, or until the last day of the month when the state of alarm is suspended.
  • It is not compatible with any other aid received from the Social Security.

*NB.  I was asked to explain this. Autonomos pay, monthly, a 30% of their «base reguladora». They chose which base the moment they become autónomos. The minimum is 953,83 € so most pay 286,15€. You will receive 70% of your chosen base.


  • The forms below have to be filled in, signed and sent to the «Mutuas» (you should legally have your mutua). Preferably in electronic format.
  • Supporting documents have to be sent with the request.

When to start the procedures.

  • For the first case (total cease of activity) from the 18/03/2020
  • For the second case (reduction of 75+% of income) from the 1/04/2020

Important points.

  • The autonomo will not have to pay his montly fee during the duration of this aid.
  • He will not lose his benefits such as reduced fee.


Documents to be included.

For both cases.

  • The form filled in, signed and with the date.
  • Model 145 again signed, filled in and with the date.
  • Sworn statement with the reasons for the request.
  • DNI, NIF or NIE (both sides).
  • If you have childern the «libre de familia» or equivalent document (in caso of foreigners).
  • If you have disabled children, documents showing this.
  • Certificate that you are currently up to date with payments to the Social Security.
  • If you have employees, a certificate to show you have all current duties (payments etc) fulfilled.


For the second case.

  • Model 130  – 4 quarters of 2019
  • Model 131 –  last quarter of 2019
  • «Pérdidas y ganancias» ( Gains and Losses) from 2019 broken down month by month
  • «Pérdidas y ganancias» ( Gains and Losses) from January, February and March 2020.


As you see, it is always a good idea to contact a specialised legal advisor and have them help you with the paperwork.



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