Autonomos must now use the RED System for communications with the Social Security

[:en]Some of you have asked about this and I’ve finally found some free time to write and article it. The Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare published an order last 1st of March (2018), order Orden ESS/214/2018, by which every self employed worker (a.k.a autónomo) must register in the Sistema RED.

What is the RED system.

RED stands for  Sistema de Remisión Electrónica de Datos and can be accessed through this link. The ministry order gives self employed workers 6 months to activate and start using service. From the 1 st of October of 2018 any notification by and to the Social Security will be done through this method. They will not send anything through normal post mail and will not accept anything sent to them by that method.

They system is basically the Spanish Social Welfare electronica portal. It allows a direct communication with the TGSS (Tesorería de la Seguridad Social). It will be where users will be able to receive electronic notifications from the Seguridad Social, send documents (and receive a receipt of the delivery) and perform most procedures. Such as:

And many others. In the near future, companies will also be obliged to use the RED Direct software.

What do you need to use the RED system.

To start using the RED System it is necessary to apply for an authorisation by going to the User Support Unit at any of the Provincial Offices of the TGSS. You can also do it online here.

In order to use this system you have to have a valid digital certificate. We will explain how to obtain one on the next article.

«The applicants, once the relevant information has been received and the SILCON Certificate has been obtained, shall submit the authorisation application (form FR101).
Authorisations to the RED System can be of the following types:

  • Authorisation to act on your own behalf: when only CCCs or NAFs whose NIF matches the authorisation’s NIF will be managed.
  • Authorisation to act on behalf of others: where CCCs or NAFs whose NIF does not match the authorisation’s NIF will be managed. Here we can distinguish between two different types:
    • Professionals with an Association: when the individual or legal person to whom the authorisation is granted is a Member of a Professional Association exercising one of the following Professions: Social Studies Graduates, Administrative Agents, Lawyers, Economists, Mercantile and Business Graduates, Estate Agents, Tax and Insurance Agents, Property Administrators, Industrial Technical Engineers, Prosecutors and Registrars.
    • Third Parties: in those cases where contribution account codes (CCCs) are managed whose NIF is different to the authorisation’s NIF and the conditions to apply for the Member of a Professional Association authorisation are not met.

All these types of authorisation can be granted to both an Individual and to a Legal Person.

In addition to the duly completed authorisation application form (FR101), the following documentation must also be submitted:

  • Photocopy of the applicant’s identification document (DNI, NIE, Passport)
  • Documentation certifying authority to represent the Legal Person or the Individual.
  • Where the authorisation is the Member of a Professional Association type, the certificate of Professional Association membership shall also be required.

This authorisation application process  can also be done in person at the User Support Unit found in all TGSS Provincial Offices, or through the Electronic Register of the e-Office.»

More information here , here and here.

How to use it.

If you have a legal advisor, they will be able to use the Sistema RED on your behalf if you give them authorised access through these links.

You can request acces to the RED system here (using a certificate or Cl@ve) and give access to your legal advisor.

If that is your case you don’t have to access the RED system, but the Electronic System (SEDESS) here.

This SEDESS is the user-friendly system where you will be able to interact with the Social Security and, most important of all, receive their notifications. It is your TGSS mailbox (we will talk about a general mailbox for all Spanish services in another post).

If you don’t have a legal advisor you have to apply for access to the RED System and use it to send all your documents to the TGSS.






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