FUNDAE extends COVID measures to 2022.

I’ve just received the news so I’m sharing it hear for all of you.

I am sure many were, as we, waiting to hear what FUNDAE had to say about classes through online «virtual classrooms».  Just in case someone doesn’t know all the details, I’ll put you up to date with a quick summary.

  • With the COVID situation FUNDAE were forced to accept videoclasses as a way to teach classes for their subsidised courses (they didn’t before).
  • These clases are considered «clases presenciales». So the same as face to face classes.
  • The platforms through which these classes are provided, called «aulas virtuales» have certain technical requirements. In a nutshell:
    – Synchronized, 2 way communication
    – Connection log with: attendees, time spent, date and time of entry and exit.
    – A way to check in and out online or, if that cannot be, a written attendace sheet signed by the student «declaración responsable».

NB: FUNDAE differentiates between aula virtual (videoconferentes) and formación online (online courses). Which I think is not the correct choice of terms and somewhat confusing:

«se considera aula virtual al entorno de aprendizaje donde el tutor-formador y
alumnado interactúan, de forma concurrente y en tiempo real, a través de un sistema de
comunicación telemático de carácter síncrono que permita llevar a cabo un proceso de
intercambio de conocimientos a fin de posibilitar un aprendizaje de las personas que
participan en el aula.»

Personally, I’ve always found it increadible that, by 2021, FUNDAE still is struggling with the idea of video conferences in teaching and considers them a temporary solution set up for the COVID emergency. It is like considering online newspapers a temporary solution for their paper ancestors.

But I digress.

FUNDAE has published today their resolution for 2022 and, fortunatelly:

  • Videoclasses are still accepted.
  • So is a mixed teaching solution with students online and students in the classroom  (bimodal)
  • Workers can request from their companies virtual classes for 2022.
  • If videoclasses are going to be used, it must be stated at the start of the «acción formativa».

You can read the BOE with all the details here. And their blog entry here.

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