Academy Owner’s meeting IV: FUNDAE. Review of meeting III.

Friday the 20th of November will be the fourth Online Meeting of Academy Owners. I am enjoying each an every one of them, and learning from everyone who attends.
So, first and furmost, thank you to all for spending your Friday afternoons on this.

The suggested topic for this meeting will be FUNDAE (Fundación Estatal para la Formación en el Empleo), previously called Fundación Tripartita. We have talked about FUNDAE before, but the idea is to go deeper into details  ( I have been doing some research) on:

  • What is FUNDAE
  • How can it benefit us.
  • How it works (Entidad Organizadora, Entidad Formativa and Client).
  • Where do the  credits come from and how much they are per employee.
  • How do companies access request their credits.
  • How to add an «entidad organizadora» or an «entidad formativa» in the FUNDAE tool.
  • How does an academy register for FUNDAE (cursos profesionales vs cursos no profesionales).
  • How to fill in, send and modify the «declaración responsable».
  • Which requirements do online tools (LMS) need to have to comply with FUNDAE. Suggested tools.
  • Face to face classes, phone classes, Online courses and online teaching in FUNDAE.

And much more.

I will share whatever information I have (not huge), and can’t wait to hear other experiences and tips other collegues might have.

Summary of the third Online Meeting of Academy Owners.

I would define the third online meeting and «very satisfying«. Most of the people who joined were new faces, so it was really nice to know their stories and their views on our current situation.

We talked about new services (the topic) but, as is usual, we soon moved to other issues. The meetings are live, and we very rarely stick to the topic.

I remeber the following:

  • We talked about flipped learning.
  • We talked about the difference between online courses and online classes, and how online courses can, and will, help us in the future.
  • We agreed that just teaching classes is not enough for an academy.
  • How to compete with the big online learning companies (mainly quality of content and having good teachers).
  • We all shared the opinion that word of mouth still works online. And it will be a differentiating factor.
  • We talked about how we should all be creating content and sharing it so clients can see how we teach, and what we can offer.
  • All this implies some IT knowledge, a lot of trying out software and platforms, and experience teaching online. So it seems a good idea to share all that knowledge and resources. Those of us who have been doing it for a while can help others who are starting.
  • Some clients, specially in rural areas, might have problems with online teaching…but it is unstoppable (this doesn’t mean that face to face will disappear in the short run).

As you can see… it was a profitable meeting. Which had to be stopped when most of our kids started banging on doors hehehe.

Casey’s online course marketplace.

One of the new additions to the meeting (and a very active one), was Casey. He is a firm beleiver in online teaching and has developed an online course marketplace where teachers and create and upload their content. I think it might be a great idea for those with less knowledge or resources.

It’s the first time I’ve spoken with Casey (we’ve chatted a bit online), but I do thing he has a lot to share, great, refreshing and clear ideas and a lot of energy and drive.
I’d like to support his proyect as he has supported our meetings.

This is Casey’s proyect as shared by him:

Online courses are a great way to sell yourself as a teacher, share your skills, make money on the side and build your portfolio.

Casey at In English Please has started an online course marketplace. It has all the tools you need to create and sell online courses.

If you want to build a course, you can contact him at:


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